all you need is less – as long as you choose the right styles. here are a few tips to help your customers build their capsule wardrobe and renew just a few pieces each season.
clothes make the woman. and we all love to put on those favourite styles that make us feel just right. the beloved blazer gives us an energy boost and makes us straighten our backs for extra demanding days, and our favourite shirt makes every pair of trousers feel just right.
from mass to less
we want to take care of our planet for our children and grandchildren – and slow fashion is a way to get there while looking chic.
at by basics we believe in slow-fashion and have an ethical approach to everything we do. all styles are made from natural materials, produced right here in europe with a strong focus on high quality, and – very important – made to order to reduce waste.
as a shop owner, you can choose the exact styles, colours, and sizes you believe in for your customers.
how to build a basic wardrobe:
but enough about us. this is about your customers. their closets should include the styles and colours they love that look great on them. no more – no less. you can guide them in the process:
find the basics – and be sure they are all favourites it’s the foundation for everything else. basics depend on your daily needs and are most likely a few t-shirts, trousers, a shirt, and a dress.
find the basic add-ons do you love to wear skirts and dresses? add an extra of each.
the perfect colour mix choose some basics and add your favourite accent colours to sparkle your style. choose colour ranges that can easily be mixed and that you genuinely adore
the seasonal selections might be the woolen hat and shirt for winter – and the linen dresses for summer. be sure to add a cardigan and some shirts to create layers for any season.
personality is important
it’s not all basics. be sure to add those styles and colours that create your unique look. don’t be afraid to be a bit bold – that’s what makes your look personal.
add a few new styles each year
the basics wardrobe is timeless. however, over time, your customers’ needs change, clothes get worn up, or they simply want to try something new. advise them to make sure their old clothes get reused or recycled – and help them choose new ethical styles.
at by basics, our collection does not change each season. so, when you’ve sold that perfect cardigan once, you – and your customer – can order it again later, keeping favourites your favourites. that’s easy to love.
find inspiration in our lookbook – and shop all styles online in our b2b-webshop